Monday, March 26, 2012

Thoughts of a missionary

So, we've been here in Costa Rica almost 80 days now.  Some days it's hard to believe that we've been gone that long, and other days it seems like forever.  But, through all the struggles, I've started to discover (only barely started, I'm sure!) the thought process that goes on in the mind of a new missionary.  It isn't always pretty, it isn't always fun, but it sure can be enlightening sometimes.  So, in a slightly different format than my typical post, here are some frequent thoughts of a newbie missionary on the field!

  • "Did I just use an English word in that Spanish sentence?"
  • "What did I just step in?  No, don't look down, it's better not knowing."
  • "Are those gunshots, car backfires, or fireworks...?  Ok, good, definitely fireworks."
  • "Who shoots off fireworks in the middle of FEBRUARY??"
  • "Wait, what did I just say?  That's not what I was trying to say!!"
  • "I came here to learn Spanish... why is my English so terrible now??"
  • "I don't know this word in Spanish... If I just slap an 'o' on the end of the English word, what are the odds it'll work?"
  • "I want to say this, but I think it's subjunctive... yeah, I'm just not gonna say it."
  • "Why can I remember how to order in a resturaunt, but can't remember how to tell this man that Jesus loves him?!?"
  • "If one more person tells me why we shouldn't be going to Mexico, I'm gonna freak out!"
  • "Wow, I didn't know you could fit that many vehicles into 4 lanes of traffic..."
  • "Was that a 'hurry up!' honk, a 'go ahead' honk, a 'hi, friend!' honk, a 'need a taxi?' honk, or a 'flirty' honk?  How long do I have to be here before I'm fluent in the honks??"
  • "Wow, I can't believe we've already been at language school for 3 months!"
  • "Wow, I can't believe we've only been at language school for 3 months!!"
  • "What, they got a letter/package??  They just got one LAST week!!  Why don't I ever get mail??"
  • "I wonder what the chances are that I can have this conversation simply through charades alone?"
  • "Wow, I never really thought of the U.S. government as 'efficient' until I waited in line for a Costa Rican customs agent!"
  • "He just asked me if I'm a missionary... I guess I am.  I mean, I know I am, but I sure don't feel like one right now... shouldn't a missionary be able to talk in the language before claiming the title??"
There are others as well, and I'm sure I'll add to this list over time, but hopefully that'll give you an idea of what goes through the mind of a 'missionary' who is new on the field!

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